Check reply statistics with an update of Email Tracking

Email Tracking service has already proved its convenience according to positive feedback from a number of customers. It became a comfortable tool for analyzing customer’s behavior and needs.

Considering that fact, we decided to add useful updates concerning Email Tracking statistics to make the support workflow more convenient.

We updated the view of the sidebar so that you are able to see the block, which shows the whole ticket reply statistics. Now, it is possible to observe when it is the most suitable time to send a reply. You can check this info and other statistics in the side panel, so there’s no need to search for it somewhere else. Thus, you have an opportunity to increase views of your emails and to be sure they will be read by the target customer.

By the way, there is also a great possibility to monitor the reply statistics. It shows the time when a specific email letter has been opened and the overall number of ticket opens. These statistics change depending on what options you choose in specific drop-down fields. The “Comment authors” drop-down gives the capability to choose the agent who replied to the ticket. The “Comments” drop-down helps to highlight the specific subject of the reply and narrow the search options.

Try our Fresh Update!

You still haven’t tried Email Tracking? We strongly recommend testing our new option that will help to check Email Tracking statistics directly and analyze the client’s behavior. That can increase productivity and make your workflow more effective when reaching the target audience.

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