How To Turn A Blog Post Subject From Blah Into Fantastic

In the digital world apart from the blistering pace of information flow, you can find a vast array of articles covering nearly every topic of any life or business area. The problem you encounter almost every week is how to select a gripping blog post subject to make people click on it and read it.

Apart from the snappy and memorable title, you need an exciting topic and captivating copy that gets the user to read the next sentence. Depending on the quality of these elements, your post may spread like wildfire through the web or be barely noticed.

Facing Common Blogging Mistakes

Getting a spellbinding, viral blog post subject requires a great deal of focus and efforts. Strictly speaking, the wrong topic will lead you down the awry path and deprive you of the ability to build and grow your online audience. As a rule, bloggers share some common mistakes, and they are shortlisted here

  • take the subjects due to their popularity and trending
  • write about things you aren’t interested in
  • play an expert on a topic, you have a little knowledge
  • cover diverse things in a single post
  • pure SEO-focused writing for machine
  • pay a shoestring attention to the heading

Fixing and improving the mentioned above pitfalls will aid you in writing blog posts that actually drive expected results and earns you a better reputation. So to speak, you need to master the basics.

Dealing with A ‘Blogger’s’ Block

Did you ever run out of ideas? Perhaps, everyone has suffered this nasty condition when nothing helps. You just stare at the ceiling, pray a muse, and try to hook at least something inside your head. Small wonder, it is a ‘blogger’s’ block.

No matter how hard you try, you won’t write an enchanting blog post subject without inspiration. Well, the great topics won’t knock on your door, but the creative motor running can be revived by a set of online tools.

Thanks to living in the digital age, you can find help online and get some hints for choosing a magnetic post subject. Keywords and headlines are the essential part of your blog post’s success. Let’s check them out.

Generate Keywords for Blog Post Subjects

One of the most popular tools is Google Adwords Keyword Planner. It is free and offers phrases and ranking benefits. Another solution worth your attention is Google Trends. With this tool, you’ll get the insight into the latest trends, yet it doesn’t suggest actual topics.

Take the advantage of SEMrush and check out the keywords your competitors use for ranking. This tool reveals for you a great store of various blog posts. Within a free version, you can get up to 10 phrases.

Materialize more blog post subjects you could never think of with This is an interesting alternative to Google as the tool provides nearly 750 keywords and phrases for the term you type in. Moreover, it doesn’t require any registration.

Another keyword tool is Serpstat which helps you to get a jumpstart for your brain and choose fascinating blog topics. Besides, generating new post ideas, it also enables filters for getting more precise results.

Instead of a blank screen, write about the questions that indeed bother your readers. With FAQ Fox, you can find them out. Just type in the desired keyword, add URLs or choose a category you want to search for, and then hit the start button. The tool offers you a list of questions the users ask on the web.

Keep the pulse on the trend and share blog post topics with BuzzSumo. Additionally, you will know what content type performs best of all.

6 Tools to Make Your Blog Post Headline Thrive

Sometimes, your creativity resources may be a little bit down, but your blog post subject should grip attention immediately. Here are a few practical tools to aid you in generating exciting topics.

#1 With Impact’s Blog Title Generator, you select various headline formats for your keywords and save them to choose the best one later.

#2 Another great tool is Portent’s Content Idea Generator. You just click until finding the blog title you like.

#3 One more marketing tool for generating the inspiring post subjects is Link Bait Title Generator from Content Row. Enter your keyword and get the results – fast and simple.

#4 Don’t forget to check out Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator. It works a little bit differently from other tools. You type in up to 3 keywords and get 5 title suggestions based on the provided data.

#5 Attract more attention and share with the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator. The tool offers numerous topics of different types – questions, problems, motivation, secrets, and others. Besides, you can download or print the results and use them in the future.

#6 You know there is also a tool that helps you to create SEO-friendly blog post subjects. It’s called Kill Writer’s Block. Meanwhile, other services build a title based on the keywords only, this app offers to add your industry type and tasks, targeted audience, numbers, common customer problem, etc.

Can’t-Fail Blog Post Ideas

To get your article viral on the web, you need a relevant topic and snappy title, as well as a consistent and structured copy. So don’t neglect using the subtitles to emphasize the short important passages in your posts.

Look through your content for mistakes and typos. Make sure you use the active voice and strong, emotional words to engage your audience in reading not only your blog post subject but the whole piece of writing. With the following tips, your content will stand out and drive more visitors.

  • Use provocative statements or intriguing questions that will make your readers ponder at the beginning of the passage and find the answer after reading it.
  • Offer a post with an instructional tone that will solve the issue, suggest a great idea, or offer a case study. This is a format of lessons, guidances, tips, insights, and how-tos in general.
  • Provide a glance into the not-so-public world with a kind of visual tour, an inside glimpse, or a backstage journey. Such a blog post enables with a practical information and delivers a inquisitive delight to readers.
  • Give a try to blog posts “problem-solution” and suggest your audience a spreading problem of the industry along with a workable solution.
  • Plan an article with sharing the mistakes you have encroached upon in your work and give chewable directions on how to avoid or cope with the issues.

The art of generating fascinating blog posts subject requires time and efforts for mastering. Don’t miss your opportunities to generate more traffic with ready-to-engage content. Take the most of these tips and subscribe to our blog for hacking viable and efficient skills in marketing performance.

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