What is a Zendesk Chatbot? How to Create Zendesk Chatbot

According to the latest statistics, chatbots handle more than 68.9% of customer tickets from start to finish. Luckily, as one of the leading help desk software, Zendesk chatbot integrates with Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Support to create a streamlined experience for customers and employees.

The Zendesk chatbot utilizes artificial intelligence to handle customer tickets, answer questions, and reroute complaints to the designated department. With all the benefits of this innovative feature, the company becomes more efficient at using its resources and handling customers’ issues.

In this article, we’ll dig deeper into the chatbot features and how to create the Zendesk chatbot. So, keep reading to learn more about this topic.

What is a Zendesk Chatbot?

Zendesk was founded in 2007, designing and selling products to cater to the needs of companies and organizations. Its functions relate to improving sales, customer support, and other customer-related communications. The cost of manually handling a customer support ticket is almost $22. That is why companies depend on reliable software like Zendesk to handle tickets more efficiently.

Customer complaints and their late handling can negatively impact the company’s sales and market share. Therefore, Zendesk introduced the chatbot feature to help the company improve its status. The main idea was to start providing timely and efficient responses to customers’ inquiries and complaints.

The Zendesk chatbot or answer bot enhances the customer communication experience without unnecessarily depleting one of the company’s most important resources; employees’ time. It’s an artificial intelligence solution that uses automation features to respond to customers’ messages in a familiar and friendly way.

The chatbot has access to the company’s database. So, it can streamline increasing communication channels to ensure that customers have the best customer support experience.

Zendesk chatbot can integrate into any messaging channel or app. For example, the company’s website, Facebook messenger, or WhatsApp messenger. In general, they can be almost everything that can give customers instant responses. These responses can answer the customers’ questions and end the query. Or it can provide some of the needed information until an agent can handle the issue.

How do Chatbots Work?

Bots like the chatbot for Zendesk are fed with an enormous amount of data that includes natural language processing and predefined conversational flows. This way, they can better understand and respond to customers’ queries. Then, the bot uses machine learning to answer customers’ questions after analyzing their messages.

The more straightforward question is, the faster and clearer the answer will be. When customers ask complicated questions, the chatbot can spend more time trying to guide the customer.

However, chatbot Zendesk improves itself over time. With more data from frequently asked questions and queries, the bot eventually identifies the most suitable response and becomes more helpful.

The data fed into the chatbot system is usually divided into different categories, like responses about working hours, payment issues, and login problems. These predetermined scenarios can handle and get rid of several tickets while an agent is working on handling a single customer’s complaint. In addition, with every interaction, the bot will be able to adjust its answers to provide better support if a new client asks the same question.

Most Common Types of Chatbots

Companies can use three types of chatbot solutions to handle their customers’ queries. And the most common one is task-specific chatbots. This chatbot is designed to help customers with specific tasks like telling them about working hours or refund submission processes. However, because they deliver specific responses, these bots require bigger budgets and access to more data.

Self-service bots can guide customers to recommended knowledge base articles included in the company’s resources. For instance, this includes manuals or blog posts to help them find the solution to the problem they’re facing. The chatbot acts more precisely than a generic search engine, directing customers to the specific FAQ page or blog article that tackles their issue.

A knowledge-providing chatbot uses the company’s information and can serve several channels like the company’s website, messaging app, mobile app, or email. It’s a fast and potent way of handling customers’ inquiries and will save employees time so they can focus on more demanding issues.

A decision-tree chatbot relies on creating a customized conversational flow. It gives customers quick answers with an option to talk to a live agent if their issue isn’t solved. Such a chatbot needs a builder tool so that the company can create its own conversational flow.

Zendesk Chatbot Features

As the studies suggest, more than 1.4 billion people currently use chatbots while buying products and services, inquiring about businesses, or facing an issue with their purchases. The chatbot Zendesk software solution has several features that make it stand out from different chatbot solutions that are currently available on the market.

  • It has a flexible pricing model that depends on the company’s size. There is also a free trial period, where the company can access all the features to test the software solution.
  • The chatbot has an easy-to-use interface that minimizes the time employees need in order to understand and utilize the app.
  • It creates a unified communication space for all communication channels. This allows users to refer to previous inquiries by the same customer or responses by a different employee on another platform.
  • This solution provides skill-based conversational routing. This helps direct customers to the right resource or department, where their queries and inquiries can be better handled.
  • The chatbot creates an advanced ticket routing and queuing system to help employees respond to the tickets in order. There’s also a system for conditional ticket fields, so the ticket will be canceled or re-opened if a specific action occurs.
  • Using the chatbot Zendesk, employees can use real-time dashboards and reports for feedback and reporting to management. For example, they can identify a faulty product according to the number of tickets requesting a refund or exchange.
  • The app integrates with email messaging to cover more communication channels.

Benefits of Zendesk Chatbots

Chatbots mainly aim to increase efficiency, cut down costs, optimize employees’ time, and overall improve the customers’ experience. The chatbot from Zendesk is one of the top chatbot solutions on the market, and it provides specific benefits that make it stand out.

  • Zendesk chatbot covers the three types of chatbots. So, you can use it to answer specific questions, reroute customers’ tickets through decision-making trees, or facilitate self-service.
  • The chatbot saves customers and employees valuable time by providing faster responses and solutions to ticketing issues.
  • It makes customer support agents look and feel more knowledgeable. With unlimited access to information, live agents can answer all customers’ questions on the spot and without delay.
  • The app automates repetitive work to eliminate errors and decrease the time employees need to access a ticket or solve an issue.
  • The app can suggest modern self-service that can help employees access the company’s database instead of waiting for another employee to come and handle the issue they’re facing. It becomes possible thanks to using improved machine learning.
  • It can be integrated into multiple communication channels to eliminate wait time.
  • Chatbots free the time of HR and IT staff. They automate most of the work they would spend accessing information about working hours, recruitment procedures, or troubleshooting issues.
  • As it’s an open and flexible platform, so you can use the built-in chatbot or integrate another answer bot or chatbot to cater to your company’s needs.

Overall, using the Zendesk chatbot increases employees’ productivity and customer satisfaction.

Steps to Create Zendesk Chatbot

Creating a Zendesk chatbot is a straightforward task with a few simple steps. Once the bot is up and running, you can add more data to help improve its performance and make it work better.

The bot creation process can be done on any platform or communication channel. Moreover, you can add a default response, like a wait time, connect the bot to the company’s database to provide access to the blog or refer the customer to a live agent to handle an issue. Here are the steps to use Zendesk to create a chatbot.

  1. Once the Zendesk solution is installed, go to “Admin Center.”
  2. Choose “Channels” and then “Bots and Automation.”
  3. From the menu, select “Bots.”
  4. Refer to the taskbar at the top, and choose “Add Bot” to integrate a new bot with your messaging app or platform.
  5. Choose a new name for the bot to be displayed at the top of the widget.
  6. In the case of using various brands, select the brand from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click “Finish” to end the setup process.

Now the bot is in draft mode and will display the default message until you change it. You can add a customized message to start using the bot as required.


The chatbot feature from Zendesk is an excellent addition to any company, regardless of its size and niche. It allows employees to respond better to customers’ queries by handling some tickets from start to finish. It also helps create an organized system for ticketing and responses so that employees can handle more tickets with better quality and in less time.

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