You've certainly been in a situation when the incorrectly worded phrase offended your interlocutor or brought the results opposite to the desired. And sales reps are also well aware that even a not-very-beneficial offer can appear incredibly seducing when described using the right sales words and phrases.
Today, words are vital tools not only for novelists or poets. Thousands of business people and salespeople learn to tame the great power words possess and turn it in the necessary direction. It's high time you discovered the simple words and techniques that work magic in closing deals.
The critical point here is there are no magic spells or new vocabulary to learn - just the familiar words or phrases that nevertheless persuade your interlocutor to take the desired action when used in the proper context and setting. Intrigued? Then, let's get directly to the point without further delay.
'You' instead of 'I'
No matter what you're speaking about, try to always focus on the person you're talking with, and therefore 'you,' 'your' should dominate in what you say. Even when discussing your company or product features, consider transforming the sentences to fit this formula. It demonstrates that you care about your prospect and adds a personalized touch to whatever info you've got, which reportedly increases sales.
'And' instead of 'But'
This seeming trifle replacement that is hard to notice at first sight can make a big difference. Take a look at the following sentences:
‘I understand what you mean, but let’s look at the other side of this issue.’
‘I understand what you mean, and let’s look at the other side of this issue.’
Using the first sentence, you sound like you are trying to contradict the other speaker, making them instinctively stand on the defensive. The second example, however, keeps the conversation flowing and makes them feel that you're on the same side. This creates a positive background and spurs you to make decisions in your favor.
'What' (why, when, where, how) instead of 'Do' (shall, would)
As proven by specialists, specific questions starting with W-words that call for an open answer are much more productive in sales since they provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about the person, their needs, and preferences and thus maximally personalize the offer. On the contrary, general questions with do, shall, would etc., in the beginning, usually are answered with 'Yes' or 'No' and don't facilitate the conversation.
Consider these examples:
Do you agree with me?
What do you think about it?
While essentially asking the same, the second one will let you get more information from your interlocutor, so even if they disagree, you will learn why and be able to provide arguments to show the issue in a different light.
'Opportunity' instead of 'problem'
Psychologists recommend avoiding words with opposing meanings, like 'problem' in our case, and replacing them with something neutral or positive. Even the usual 'No problem' response to thanks should be better worded as 'You're welcome' or 'My pleasure.'
'You do…?' instead of 'Do you…?'
Essentially, the trick is using affirmative constructions with questioning intonation when you need to ask a question. Indeed, this slight construction alteration can help you kill two birds with one stone. First, used at the beginning of a conversation, it makes your prospect agree with your assertion and intuitively prepares them to do the same further on. Secondly, it can be used as part of the 'Yes-set' (a person is asked a series of trivial questions that predetermine the answer 'Yes,' and then when the key question is asked, they instinctively want to continue the pattern and respond positively.)
This simple word is a strong power word extensively used by marketers and has proven to bring good results. Being one of the five most persuasive words in English, it instantly answers the question, 'Why do I need this?' This works better than lengthy explanations in a few sentences after the initial statement because it provides crucial information at once. Well, it never hurts to try.
This word can turn your potential client into a story's protagonist about a possible better life thanks to your product or service. So, instead of passively perceiving the traditional list of benefits, they will actively participate in the process and are more likely to wish that imaginary event to come true.
The changes and words described above may seem too subtle to make any difference, but they can be precisely the drop that will weigh the scales on your behalf. However, even though the alterations in everyday phrases seem straightforward, they require training to master and use them automatically.
Using of Power Words for Sales
If you think sales and huge discounts are the most effective strategy to lure customers, you should look at it from another perspective. At first, you might notice that cutting prices eventually bring you customers, but what happens after the sales period is over? Indeed, customers adapt to lower prices fast, and they are not interested in the pre-sale prices. However, that happens to businesses that are not interested in providing value to their customers instead of just products.
Therefore, it would be a good idea to discuss the befits your product or service brings to clients before telling them the price. People also feel that cheaper products are not valuable and do not give them emotions. So, shift the focus on the values your customers get from using your products. Indeed, the right words help add value to your products and here are some of them:
- Tips - Additional information about the benefits customers receive or secrets of usage.
- Avoid - This word allows you not to say negative words, like 'do not,' 'never,' etc. So, with this word, you can explain how to minimize wastage, whether it is cost, time, or effort.
- Proven - Use words like 'proven,' 'genuine,' 'authentic,' and 'endorsed' to build trust with customers. By using the word 'proven,' customers know that your product or service has been market-tested and effective.
- Safe - This a strong sales word that helps you convince customers of product reliability.
If you constantly think about how to close sales deals faster, urgent words are best suited. They create close sales deals faster and induce people to make decisions quickly.
For example, you can try to use these sales words:
- Hurry - Point out the limited-time offer that prospects can't resist and ask them to hurry so they can take advantage of a good deal.
- Free - Offering additional stuff for free, test drives or free trial periods can decrease costs and increase the perceived value of your offering.
- Save - Usually, customers come to buy your product or service that can help them save their time, money, or resources. So, to win them over for the long term, clearly describe what they can save.
Other words that help to highlight scarcity and point out the urgency are: Now, Quick, Limited, Running Out, Fast, New, Deadline, Last Chance, Final, Never again, and Expires.
Psychologically, the fear of missing out can be a more powerful motivator than the benefits of gain but do not overuse it as it can start working on the opposite side.
Everyone loves to feel they are special and valuable. Therefore, exclusivity words help highlight the scarcity, leveling up the proposed product or service in customers' eyes. Usually, exclusive offerings, like limited collections, available only for club members and so on, do not give additional benefits but emotions and status. Giving the feeling of belonging to an elite group is a powerful tip that helps you to close big deals.
So, what are sales words that express exclusivity and increase value? We propose to use the followings:
- Limited deal
- Login required
- Members only
- Be one of the few
- Available to subscribers
- For existing customers
- Business members
- Be the first to hear about
- Class full
They are the signals to customers that they are on another social status, and this feeling of being unique is more important than the price.
Becoming an expert in projecting confidence is a vital skill for you as a sale representative. Without confidence almost impossible to generate prospects or leads, build sales funnels and close deals. To gain this confidence, you first need to have a deep understanding of your product, industry background, and customer service skills.
Another way to ensure customers can trust you is properly used words. If you start your communication with phrases like 'I'm not sure' or 'I think, I might,' the customer will be confused and uncertain about your service. Therefore, you will lose the opportunity to close a deal and make a negative reputation.
Instead, your words and phrases should exude confidence. For example, use:
- Definitely
- Certainly
- Without a doubt
- Do
- Absolutely
- I assure you
- I'm confident that
- Undoubtedly
- You won't regret it
So, projecting confidence is a critical skill for sales managers, and you should always work not only on your vocabulary but gestures, mimics, voice, appearance and so on. However, starting by using the right words increase your chances of closing a sale.
Final thoughts
Improving your vocabulary allows you to see a significant difference in sales. So, remember to say ‘you’ instead of ‘I,’ do not use ‘but’ because it can be replaced with ‘do,’ do not use ‘problem,’ say ‘opportunity.’ Actually, affirmative constructions and questions positively influence your way of speaking. So, note some words and phrases from this article and be free to use them with your customers.
By focusing on personalized value and using persuasive language, you can increase the likelihood of closing deals and improving customer satisfaction.