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  4. How does my monthly app fee count, if I change the groups or roles that can access the app

How does my monthly app fee count, if I change the groups or roles that can access the app

Your standard monthly payment for the app can be variable and depends on the pricing plan, how many agents have access to the chosen app, and changes of the mentioned parameters during the month.

As you may know, our apps have the price set per 1 agent per month instead of GDPR Compliance. However, the system calculates all the changes to the number of agents or groups that should have access to an app during the month. So, your final payment may differ as the system will adjust your final bill to be proportional to what you should pay. This is called a prorated payment system.

Let’s see how it works. For example, you purchased Proactive campaigns for 10 agents, however, you gave access permission to the 1 agent for 10 days during the month. The price of the Proactive Campaigns is 15$ per agent. You pay 15$ for 10 agents (10*15 = 150$) and 5$ for additional agent as he used only 10 days (15/30*10=5).

So, the total fee is 150$+5$ = 155$.

If you have any questions or misunderstandings contact our certified support team.

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