How to Use Combined lists
- GDPR Compliance
If you think you need more than creating lists with contacts, tickets, and organizations, the combined lists feature will help you. This feature will help you to make list combinations, giving you wider opportunities to select necessary data for deletion and anonymization. We prepared an instruction explaining how the combination lists feature works. Also, use the navigation below to view some use cases and try to create a combined list that will meet your needs.
To get started, find the Combined Lists tab and click on the Add a new list button.
Then, enter the List name and Description of the list. Put the checkmark next to Share if you want to give other agents access to this list.
Also, you will see the next parameters:
1. Primary list - the main list you are working with, and you need to delete or anonymize it. So, choose a list you want to process from the drop-down menu.
2. Combination method - allows selecting how the Primary list will be processed in accordance with the data in the Secondary list.
You know that there are three general types of lists in GDPR: contact, ticket and organization list. And they are the fundamental interconnected components of the entire platform. A ticket is associated with a user (requester) who, in turn, is related to some organization. So, within the organization, we have a number of tickets and a number of users. And the user himself is linked to the ticket and is a part of the organization. As a result, the app can combine different types of lists since each component is connected with two others.
There are two combination methods available:
- Intersect - mutualizes two lists and allows you to delete or anonymize items from the Primary list that ARE interconnected with the Secondary list.
- Exclude - this method, on the contrary, processes items from the Primary list that DO NOT correlate with the items of the Secondary list.
3. Secondary list type - provides list types available for combined list creation.
4. Secondary list - is an additional list that will not be directly affected by the process. It works as a filter and affects what information from the Primary list will be included in the Combined list.
For example, the primary list contains tickets, and the secondary list you select contains users. Thus, the application takes information from the primary list about requesters of these tickets and then compares it with the list of users from the secondary list. Further, according to the combination method, it will collect tickets from primary list that are requested or not requested by contacts from the secondary list.
Next, we will give you some usage examples of combined lists. The first section will show you how to use the Intersect combination method, and the second - Exclude.
Example: you need to anonymize tickets that belong to organizations from the specific list. So, select the Primary list from the drop-down menu, e.g. All tickets list. Next, select the Intersect combination method and set Organization as a Secondary list type. Then, choose an organization list you want to make a filter.
When you click on Save to create a Combined list, go to Combined Lists, select the created list on the left, and click on the Process GDPR Request button.
Example: you need to delete contacts that are not ticket requesters from a specific Ticket List. First, choose the Primary list you need. Next, set the Combination method as Exclude and the Secondary list type as Ticket. Then, select the Secondary list from a drop-down menu and Save. To launch the process, go to Combined Lists, select the created list on the left, and click on the Process GDPR Request button.
After the process is finished, contacts that are not ticket requesters from the Secondary list will be deleted.
Use Cases
Anonymize Contacts that Haven't Made a Ticket in 2 Years
1. Firstly, go to Settings > List Management > Ticket Lists > +Add New List.
2. Then, create a ticket list with this condition: Created At - Is within the previous days - 730.
3. Again, open Settings > List Management, but now, go to the Combined Lists tab and click +Add New List.
4. Create a list where the Primary list is: ‘All contacts,’ the Combination method is: ‘Exclude,’ the Secondary list type is: ‘Ticket,’ and the Secondary list is a ticket list you created before. Save the list.
To start anonymization, go to the Combined lists page, select a necessary item, and click the Load the list button.
Then, you will see the preview, as shown in the screenshot below. After you check the list, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
When the modal window opens, you'll see the selected list. So, click Anonymize Data, name the process, choose the present, and click Proceed with list. Then, finish the anonymization as usual.
Delete Users that Don’t Have any Tickets
For this, you only need to create a combined list, so go to Settings > List Management > Combined lists > +Add New List. Then, point out the Primary list - ‘All contacts,’ the Combination method - ‘Exclude,’ the Secondary list type - ‘Ticket,’ the Secondary list - ‘All tickets.’ Save the list.
To preview the list, go to the Combined lists page, select a necessary item, and click the Load the list button. After you check the list, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
Anonymize Requesters’ Data Whose Tickets Contain a Tag ‘requires_anonymization’
1. Go to Settings > List Management > Ticket lists > +Add New List. Name the list and create a condition: Tag - Is - requires_anonymization. Save the list.
2. Next, go back to the List Management page and open the Combined list tab. Click +Add New List, name it set the Primary list as - ‘All contacts,’ the Combination method - 'Intersect,’ the Secondary list type - ‘Ticket,’ Secondary list - <a ticket list you created before>.
Save the list.
To launch the anonymization, go to the Combined lists page again, select a list, click Load the list, and finally, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
Anonymize/Delete Contacts Whose Tickets Have a Default Ticket Form
1. Go to Settings > List Management > Ticket lists > +Add New List. Create a condition: Ticket Form - Is - <Your ticket form>.
Save the list.
2. Next, create a Combined list, where the Primary list - 'All contacts,' the Combination method - 'Intersect,' the Secondary list type - 'Ticket,' Secondary list - <a ticket list you created before>.
Save the list.
To see the list preview and launch the deletion/anonymization, go to the Combined lists page, select a list, click Load the list and finally, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
Delete/Anonymize Contacts Whose Tickets Have a Specific Custom Field
For clarity, we take a custom field called ‘Active Users’ as an example.
So, before making a combined list, we need to create a ticket list with a low-priority value using a custom field. Go to Settings > List Management > Ticket Lists > +Add New List. Next, we create a condition: Active Users - is - inactive. Save the list.
Next, create a Combined list, where the Primary list - ‘All contacts,’ the Combination method - 'Intersect,' the Secondary list type - ‘Ticket,’ Secondary list - <a ticket list you created before>.
Save the list.
To launch the deletion/anonymization, go to the Combined lists page, select a list, click Load the list and finally, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
Delete/Anonymize Contacts with No Organizations
To find users that do not belong to any organization, you can, for example, combine a list with all contacts and a list with all organizations. So, go to Settings > List Management > Combined lists > +Add New List. Then, create a list where the Primary list is ‘All contacts,’ the Combination method is ‘Exclude,’ the Secondary list type is ‘Organization,’ and the Secondary list is ‘All organizations.’ Save the list.
To launch the deletion/anonymization, go to the Combined lists page, select a list, click Load the list and finally, hit the Process GDPR Request button.
If you have any questions or propositions, contact our support team.