Use our omnichannel support solution

Our omnichannel platform enables your customers to reach out to you at any comfortable time from any place they need. Having all the necessary channels connected in a single inbox will help you keep your conversations seamless, agents productive, and information shared across the company. Don’t lose your main focus - help yourself to maintain it instead.

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Omnichannel software CRM and Deals for Zendesk®

Send emails the same way as in Zendesk

There’s no need to set up an email integration for omnichannel CRM. Just install our add-on and send emails from the accounts you already have in Zendesk right away.

Send emails the same way as in Zendesk

Make Zendesk Chat™ work for your sales at once

Communicate with both current and potential customers online in a web-chat. As well as take advantage of Zendesk Chat™ power and flexibility to enhance your omnichannel support. It’s available for use immediately after the setup - no need to separately connect Zendesk Chat and omnichannel CRM.

Make Zendesk Chat™ work for your sales at once

Make calls through inbound call-center

Communicate with both current and potential customers online in a web-chat. As well as take advantage of Zendesk Chat™ power and flexibility to enhance your sales. It’s available for use immediately after the setup - no need to separately connect Zendesk Chat and CRM omnichannel support.

Make calls through inbound call-center

Zendesk Sunshine™ Conversations - Equals endless possibilities

Merge messages from any support channel in a single conversation using Sunshine Conversations. Also, it lets you build a unique interactive messaging experience for your customers.

Zendesk Sunshine™ Conversations - Equals endless possibilities

There’s no need to set up an email integration for omnichannel CRM. Just install our add-on and send emails from the accounts you already have in Zendesk right away.

Send emails the same way as in Zendesk

Communicate with both current and potential customers online in a web-chat. As well as take advantage of Zendesk Chat™ power and flexibility to enhance your omnichannel support. It’s available for use immediately after the setup - no need to separately connect Zendesk Chat and omnichannel CRM.

Make Zendesk Chat™ work for your sales at once

Communicate with both current and potential customers online in a web-chat. As well as take advantage of Zendesk Chat™ power and flexibility to enhance your sales. It’s available for use immediately after the setup - no need to separately connect Zendesk Chat and CRM omnichannel support.

Make calls through inbound call-center

Merge messages from any support channel in a single conversation using Sunshine Conversations. Also, it lets you build a unique interactive messaging experience for your customers.

Zendesk Sunshine™ Conversations - Equals endless possibilities

Get started with a free 7-day trial

Enjoy seamless integration with your existing platforms and a user-friendly interface that makes managing deals easier!

Try CRM and Deals
Why should you use?

Keep your sales in check and stay organized with our CRM for Zendesk

CRM and Deals Pipeline management

These features are just a small part of what CRM and Deals for Zendesk®  has to offer.

There is much more to discover. Save your money with the best Zendesk Sell alternative

CRM and Deals for Zendesk will level up your sales

Enterprise Opportunities

Tailored to fuel your growth

CRM and Deals within GrowthDot Enterprise

CRM and Deals within GrowthDot Enterprise

Need custom features for your business?

With GrowthDot Enterprise, you get a fully tailored CRM experience, complete with personalized support to meet your goals. The Enterprise plan offers a CRM solution that grows with you.

Learn More

Expand your Zendesk opportunities

per agent with app access,
per month
Buy Lite Contact Sales
  • 1 pipeline
  • 5 stages
  • 2 custom fields
per agent with app access,
per month
Buy Pro Contact Sales
  • Unlimited pipelines
  • Unlimited stages
  • Unlimited custom fields
  • Automations
Talk to our sales rep
Contact us Contact Sales
  • No limits
  • Customizing services
  • Free onboarding and trainings
  • Deep integration with analytics tools

Compare Features

FeaturesLite PlanPro PlanEnterprise
Custom pipelineUp to 1UnlimitedUnlimited
Stages creation Up to 5 stagesUnlimitedUnlimited
Automated deal movement
Deals forecasting
Custom fields Max. 2 fieldsUnlimitedUnlimited
Detailed customer view
Detailed product view
Set lost reasons
Upload attachments
Data export
Event tracking
PUSH notifications
CSV backup export
Managed system setup and ongoing support
Dedicated account manager
Extra customization to suit your business

Transform your Zendesk® services today - let's take the first step!

Discover how GrowthDot can boost your team
engagement and enhance customer satisfaction.

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