Article Prettify: Quotes
- Custom Themes
If necessary you can add a quote to your article. Here is a guide where you can copy the HTML Code of the quote block.
HTML code
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
<small class="footer"> Someone famous in <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite> </small>
Colored quote
To match your branding, the color of the quote is set to be the same as the Brand color in Guide.
HTML code for colored quote
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details.
<small class="footer"> Someone famous in <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite> </small>