GDPR Compliance
- Uses the app to delete users' data;
- Upload CSV user lists.
Industry: Charity.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
The challenge: How to bulk delete users quickly in Zendesk.
The solution: Usage of the bulk deletion option.
The result: Saves 2 hours of worktime weekly, which was spent on tedious manual deletion.
Thank you very much. You were always super-fast, reliable, and extremely friendly, as well.
About the company
#UnterkunftUkraine is a charity organization providing free accommodation for Ukrainian refugees who fled from war. The main goal is to find shelter for people in need as soon as possible after they arrive in Germany. #UnterkunftUkraine is an example of how a simple intention to help can become a massive movement.
How many agents are working in your company?
About 50 to 70 agents are working in Zendesk full or part-time.
Most of the active users in your Zendesk are refugees. So you use GDPR to process their data. Am I right?
Yes, but the refugees and hosts as well. Actually, we use it mainly for the host who sends us requests about their data. It has more sense as they give us a lot of personal information.
How did you find us?
To be honest, I found GDPR Compliance on the Zendesk marketplace. Zendesk itself doesn’t have a GDPR deletion feature, so I’ve just looked it up and found this tool.
Did you look up other GDPR apps doing the same processes?
No, I just tried it out, and it fit our needs well.
What do you like most about the app? What suits you the most?
What I like most is that it is very simple to use. I personally used it for bulk deletion and it is a super straightforward process where you can see what is happening right now. You can just upload a list and then it gets deleted. In Zendesk, this feature is missed, however, the app is taking off one or two hours a week of work for agents.
What main problem that GDPR Compliance solved in your organization?
Well, there’s no good bulk deletion feature in Zendesk. The existing feature is not user-friendly. Your app fits well for bulk deletion.
How long did it take to install the application? Maybe you’ve faced some problems?
It took an hour to install, click through, get it running and see how it works.
Are you satisfied with the communication between your company and GrowthDot’s support rep?
No, not at all! 🙂 Kidding! The support was awesome.
Would you recommend the GDPR Compliance app to other organizations?
If I knew other support admins I would definitely recommend GDPR Compliance.
Is there something you would like to add to GDPR Compliance?
Actually, there is only one thing I would like to add. I would like to create lists produced in the GDPR tool based on ticket field values. It could be one of those little things that will make things easier.