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  4. How to delete data with Purge My Zendesk

How to delete data with Purge My Zendesk

The primary function of the Purge My Zendesk app is to permanently delete your Zendesk data. Whether transitioning to a new platform, winding down a project, rebooting your business, or ensuring compliance with data regulations, our app is the solution. In any of these scenarios, Purge My Zendesk guarantees thorough and complete data cleanup.

The workflow is as easy as possible. After the installation, app authorization, and successful payment, you should configure the process by choosing to purge:

  1. Only tickets
  2. Tickets and Users
  3. Tickets, Users and Organizations

Then, click Start Process.

Setup Purge Process

Caution: the app irrevocably removes data, so restoring it after the process launches is impossible.

In the modal window, type in the highlighted text to verify your intention to delete all records and click Confirm.

Confirm the Process

The app then steps through clearing all tickets, users, and organizations. When it’s done, you can see the amount of each deleted data type.

Process Completed

Can I filter the data for deletion?

As you’ve understood, Purge My Zendesk doesn’t offer filtering functionality. However, if you need to delete tickets partially based on some criteria, our GDPR Compliance app is the solution. It allows you to create ticket, user, and organization lists with several conditions to erase only the necessary data.

Delete Data with List

Read the guides on how to add lists and delete data in the GDPR Compliance.

Moreover, the app provides an anonymization option that removes only personal and sensitive information and leaves the rest for your business purposes while complying with GDPR standards.

Anonymization of Personal Data

GrowthDot offers different possibilities for leveraging your Zendesk data. Just choose what best suits your needs. For assistance, contact our support team, which is always happy to answer your questions.

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