Of course, the whole world knows that on 24.02.2022 russia (we can't write it from the capital) started a full-scale invasion against Ukraine. You may know that Growthdot is from this beautiful country. Consequently, today we won't be talking about updates and news of our company. It's hard to realize, but we have lost many lives to save our country. However, our Armed Forces are keeping the defense at the moment and it is also thanks to international support.
I (the marketer from Growthdot) was writing this article with fear for my and my family's and friends' lives. But, some of them are taking their parts in the battles right now. All Ukrainians are happy to know that we have significant advantages over the enemy. We are unlucky to have such a neighbor near our country, however, it's time to show that we are an independent country.
To our customers
Nevertheless, Growthdot continues working as usual. You can book meetings or have chats with our support agents. They'll try to respond asap. Our developers continue improving our products and providing any customization for you. Besides, our designers are creating custom themes so you can order Zendesk themes so far. Be confident your data is safe as our servers are located outside Ukraine.
We are looking for your support as governments worldwide support our Armed Forces, so you also can join. Here is a charity foundation for donating. Just click on the button To contribute.
Also, we hope for cooperation with Ukrainian companies. It is important like never before as our enterprises donate money for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. So naturally, the more profit we make, the more money we contribute.
We continue improving your customer support and defend data and people here and now. We are fighting now for you to sleep calmly. All we need is peace.
Please stand with us! Everything will be Ukraine.
