The GDPR Compliance app for Zendesk® Support allows automatically and completely process the user's requests about their data

Redact, delete, and retrieve data in bulk without the hassle of manual processing. Avoid Zendesk data breach


Key Features

User deletion

Permanently remove the end-user from the system individually or in bulk

Delete users and their data by allowing you to filter, and compile, using multiple conditions to save time and effort

Multiple Conditions for Deletion

Compose different presets for deletion

Take control of how your tickets are redacted with our customizable preferences

Organization deletion

Remove organizations in one click

Expand your GDPR processes on organizations

Data Anonymization

Data redaction in Zendesk® without violating GDPR

Keep the essential data to comply with GDPR

Multiple Conditions for Anonymization

Compose different presets for anonymization

Anonymize only needed information based on your created criteria

Attachment removal

Remove only attachments from tickets

Clean your Zendesk file storage to save space

Advanced Data Deletion

Use two lists to exclude or intersect items

Create your unique lists to proceed with any GDPR process

Data retrieval

Download ticket data and provide archived personal information to customers upon request

Easily download user and ticket data related to the specific customer

Key Features

Deleting users and their data in Zendesk® is now effortless with GDPR Compliance. Easily filter, compile lists, and delete tickets or entire users with just a few clicks.

The app allows you to select from a comprehensive set of presets for different data processes. Each preset can have unique settings, such as deleting only personal information, removing only tags, unlinking requesters, etc.

Organization deletion is also supported in our app — an exclusive feature not found in other GDPR solutions, except GDPR Compliance for Zendesk® by GrowthDot. Process organizations individually or in bulk, just like ticket and contact deletions, and eliminate the need for workarounds.

The conversation history contains valuable information for reporting and analytics. Zendesk® GDPR Compliance allows you to redact tickets, removing the user details but keeping the tickets for reports and analytics.

Manage data privacy by deleting personal information from ticket comments and subjects, removing tags, resolving problems in incidents, or replacing the original ticket requester with a dummy user.

Decide which fields should be anonymized, including User Identity Preferences (such as email addresses and social profiles) and User Field Preferences (custom and required user fields).

Exceeding Zendesk® attachment limits? Redacting thousands of tickets can be tedious, but with the GDPR Compliance app, you can bulk delete attachments while keeping ticket data intact. This allows you to minimize storage usage without affecting essential ticket information or overloading your Zendesk instance.

Combine lists by defining a primary list and using a secondary one as a filter. For instance, to delete contacts not linked to any organization, select the contact list, choose “Exclude,” and set the “Organization” filter. The GDPR Compliance app then generates a combined list that’s ready for processing. Lists can be customized to exclude or intersect items as needed.

To provide personal data to end-users, you no longer have to copy or export the information manually. With Zendesk® GDPR Compliance, you can download the information about the user and the tickets they raised. Eventually, you will have all the data neatly formatted into a CSV file.

Getting to Know with our Application

What is GDPR Compliance?

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, every EU citizen has the right to request to download or delete their personal data in Zendesk®. GDPR app was made to make your Zendesk GDPR compliant, eliminating manual work. Check out our YouTube video to learn how you can quickly do it with our app.

What is GDPR Compliance?

Looking for worry-free automated data redaction to comply with GDPR regulations?

Make your Zendesk® GDPR compliant with seamless integration.

Main Features

Our clients' top-rated features

Zendesk® Marketplace Numbers







Attachment deletion add-on

Attachments vanish, and Zendesk stays neat

Attachment deletion add-on

Get started with a free 7-day trial

Save several hours per week that your support admin spend to deal with data treatment

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